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Who is Zerfle?

Zerfle is a friendly alien who loves to zip! Join Zerfle on his journeys beyond his world where he finds wonder, mystery, challenges and friends. Together, they overcome obstacles as they make their way back home.

Zerfle Zips and Zerfle Zips to Mars are original stories written and illustrated by Jeffrey Feith, the author of Ducky Saves the Stars.

With over 60 pages of whimsical illustrations and exciting plots these book will delight and entertain children of all ages.

From one parent to another, enjoy reading about Zerfle to your children or allow them to read it to themselves.

The Making of Zerfle Zips

Zerfle started out as a few sketchy marks on my iPad. I became intrigued by the friendly little alien’s amazing abilities. He could jump over just about anything and it appeared he could almost fly. I began imagining him zipping around his planet over rocks, craters and waterfalls. 

Zerfle is an inspiration! He was born out of the simple desire to tell another story. I’d like to share my process with you on how Zerfle went from an imaginary alien to becoming an interplanetary sensation!

Above are a couple of original sketches. Over 100 layouts were developed until almost a full book was roughed. After giving him a red spaceship I wondered where he’d go? Slowly, the way Zerfle was finally going to look started to take shape.

During a lunch break heading up Fifth Avenue Zerfle’s story began to unfold. With my back up against a skyscraper, I typed out the story on my iPhone. Many pages did not make it into the final book. Originally, Zerfle Zips was supposed to be a silent graphic novel. Without including all of the pages, I felt text was necessary to tell the story. 

I decided to give Zerfle airbrushed eyes and a big smile. Then I had to figure out the color of his skin. It had to be a shade of green!

Next, I had to figure out what the world where Zerfle lived and the planets he might visit looked like. Above are some more early sketches. After a lot of experimentation and drawings I finally figured it out.

It was a tremendous pleasure illustrating and writing Zerfle Zips. During my spare time and on the weekends I made hundreds of drawings, rough sketches and experimented with colors. It took about one year to complete. Everything was done on an iPad Pro using Procreate and much of it was done while riding on a train into New York. After the final illustrations were finished they were imported into Apple Pages for the text to be added before being converted to a PDF file and uploaded to Amazon. 

I hope you and your family enjoy reading about Zerfle as much as I enjoyed spending time creating him. 

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